About Friends of Street Ends

It all started when…
For over twenty years, Friends of Street Ends (FOSE) has worked to improve public shoreline access in the City of Seattle.
The City is home to 148 street ends, or right-of-way green spaces, that are open to the public. FOSE was first formed in as a community-response to what City's lack of management and protection of these spaces: in 1997, one third of the street ends were taken over by adjacent neighbors who had fenced off the public property for their private use. Another third was inaccessible due to weeds, invasive plants, and vegetation.
In its first five years, FOSE surveyed all street ends and opened or improved over twenty. Today, FOSE continues to work with residents and City staff to keep street ends healthy and the water accessible to all.
Notable Accomplishments
FOSE drafted the City’s first legislation and policies that put in writing the fact that shoreline street ends are valuable public assets and that they should be open for public access.
FOSE worked with Seattle’s Department of Transportation - who oversees the street end program - to create and implement a permit system whereby private uses would be charged an annual fee and the funds from this fee would be used to open and maintain other street ends; and to help prioritize those street ends receiving funding.
FOSE advocated for funding from a variety of other sources (e.g. $500,000 from the 2010 Parks Levy) that opened new street ends for public access.
And for the past 20 years, FOSE provided support to neighbors and community groups as they have worked to open street ends for their own communities.
More information
Summary of Accomplishments – 2023
Summary of Accomplishments – 2022
Summary of Accomplishments - 2021
A fruitful partnership of community members and the City of Seattle’s Department of Transportation
Join Us
There are many ways to be a friend of Seattle Street Ends:
SWEAT EQUITY. We have work parties to develop specific street ends. We provide on-going maintenance, such as weeding, pruning. Join your neighbors to make a waterfront spot nearby welcoming.
BE A STREET END STEWARD. Much like Adopt-A-Highway, you could tend to a street end near you and entice your neighbors to help keep it well loved and maintained. Learn More
GIVE FINANCIAL SUPPORT. Money donated to street ends goes for fees, landscaping materials, structural engineering, permits and more.
If you are interested in supporting this effort, please send your donations to Friends of Street Ends, c/o Leschi Community Council, 140 Lakeside Avenue, Suite A #2, Seattle, 98122
Want to get involved? Email us!
FOSE 30th Anniversary was celebrated in September 2023
Marty Oppenheimer, Karen Daubert and John Barber – Our Friends of Street Ends leaders. Karen and John are Founders.