A simple Powerful idea…
Shoreline Access for Everyone

Join Us for our FOSE 30th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday September 30, 4 - 6PM
E. HARRISON STREET END (39th Ave. E. and E. Harrison St.)
In the Denny/Blaine neighborhood, on the shore of Lake Washington, Access from 39th Ave E., between Lake Washington Blvd E. and E. Mercer St.
Grand Opening of Our Newest Street End
Saturday September 30, 11AM - 2PM Join us for the opening at 7th Ave S in South Park - our newest street end thanks to a partnership with SPU & SDOT! This unique street end includes a pump station on the Duwamish, vital to the effects of climate change.
South Park Pump Station & Street End
Thursday, Nov 2, 6-8pm
Our bi-monthly Friends of Street Ends Meetings are via Zoom.
Interested in attending our next meeting?
Contact Us for more info or call 206-310-1792
Work Parties
Saturday, Oct 7, 9am-12 pm
University District Work Party at Brooklyn Ave NW
Saturday, Nov 11, 9am-12 pm
Madison Park Work Party at E Prospect St
Work Parties typically happen Saturdays 9-12pm. Check back for upcoming dates.
Many volunteers are needed to work with SDOT helpers. Please bring your own a water bottle, basic gardening tools, and boots or wear closed toe and prep for being outside for three hours.
It started with a simple, powerful idea
Why shouldn’t everyone have access to Seattle's waterfront. As our region grows, Shoreline Street Ends provide places of respite and should be protected. Since 1997, the neighbors and community leaders of Friends of Street Ends have worked to open and enhance Seattle’s Shoreline Street Ends for public access. Street Ends dot the shore of Lake Union and Lake Washington, the Ship Canal, Puget Sound and the Duwamish.
They provide a place of contemplation, a moment when you’re on a walk or run to stop to look out at the lake and catch your breath, a bench for a conversation, a way to run into your neighbors and enjoy the beauty of our water and mountain views.
Now there are more than 142 Street Ends citywide.
Spotlight on Street Ends — West Seattle, Ballard/Fremont, Lake Union / Portage Bay & the Duwamish
Our own John Feit has written a series of articles highlighting street ends throughout the city in The Urbanist. These articles are a great walking tour guide to sections of the Seattle waterfront. Learn more about the unique neighborhoods by Seattle’s lakes, sound and waterways.
Our volunteers make Street Ends a reality.
Here’s how you can help…
It can be as simple as joining in a work party to do some landscaping or gardening. Or supporting our efforts through a donation of money to help with the fees necessary to open up a new street end.
Sweat or smarts equity
We have work parties to develop specific street ends. We provide on-going maintenance, such as weeding, pruning. Join your neighbors to make a waterfront spot nearby welcoming.
Much like Adopt-A-Highway, you could tend to a street end near you and entice your neighbors to help keep it well loved and maintained. Learn More
Money donated to street ends goes to fees, landscaping materials, structural engineering, permits and more.
If you are interested in supporting this effort, please send your donations to Friends of Street Ends, c/o Leschi Community Council, 140 Lakeside Avenue, Suite A #2, Seattle, 98122
FOSE is an extraordinary group, I admire your commitment. My privilege to provide “tide-water-perspective”.
George Blomberg, Port of Seattle
“Our lovely street ends enhance the walkability of the neighborhood and give us a welcome peek-a-boo view to the water.”
A Leschi community member